I have always felt a yearning to do genealogy. I remember developing my own pedigree system in Excel when I was a child. Over 15 years later my desire to find my ancestors has only grown stronger. I feel my ancestors cheering me on and begging for me to continue researching and taking names to the temple. I also believe that I am among the "skilled men and women" that the Lord has inspired "in developing new technologies which we can use to our great advantage in moving forward this sacred work." Currently I am working on the 20 Minute Genealogist with Dr Knutson, Dr Zapalla, and 8 other students. Though my work on that project will cease when I graduate in April, I will continue applying my talents to genealogy. At RootsTech 2012 I caught a glimpse of the future. It looks bright, and I will make it even brighter.
It is true. Our ancestors need us and we need them. The tools we have these days can make it so much easier to fulfill our obligations of doing our genealogy work.