Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Privacy on the Internet is a Fallacy

Privacy on the internet is a fallacy which we need to stop pursuing. Somehow we have allowed consumers to believe that their personal information is safe, secure, and private on the internet. Consumers have no problem knowing that friends of friends can freely stalk them, but riots ensue when personal information is mined by Google to enhance their user experience. This is akin to announcing an engagement in Relief Society and expecting the news to stay there. Ignorance is the sole cause of this illogical behavior. We must stop allowing ourselves to be deceived by the fallacy of a private internet.


  1. So you're saying every webpage I load from the internet there could be someone looking over my shoulder and watching exactly what I'm doing online? Although there may not be much preventing this now, I would like this privacy protected in someway.

  2. Haha - the analogy of someone sharing news in Relief Society and expecting the information to stay private was kinda funny.
